New To Blu: Real Steel

I'll be the first to admit, I went in to Real Steel with extremely low expectations. After all, I had grown up with the cash poor Robot Jox movies and the ultimate cyborg classic, Robocop. So, Real Steel got the immediate cold shoulder from me when I thought it was a high budget knock off of so many other genre movies. I couldn't have been any more wrong.

Real Steel is fun, action packed cinema that will ultimately remind you of your theatrical ventures as a child. It's features a strong story of family and the bond between father and son. Not only is it a great film for families and children, it's also Hugh Jackman's return to a role that he completely inhabits. I liked his Wolverine portrayal at first but it began to annoy me by the third time around. Real Steel is a breakthrough for Jackman. Hopefully this leads to a successful franchise for him. Did I just say sequel? Yes. This movie leaves plenty of room for a tasteful follow up and possible growth for the characters beyond the first movie.

Real Steel is an enjoyable sci-fi genre entry. It's light hearted fun that everyone could enjoy. The effects are not overused and are key to the success of this movie. It's like a hybrid of Rocky and The Iron Giant, two of my favorites. I definitely suggest seeing it.