Streamers: Inside The Legend

Last week, a series of short comedy sketches were sent to us to review. They are called Inside The Legend and feature Phil Lamarr of the original Mad TV lineup and Rhonda Kokopele playing all the roles.

The shorts feature interviews with legendary historical and fictional characters in a talk show format. The episodes typically don't run more than three minutes (which is great) and are extremely well produced. The sets and lighting are perfect while completely replicating the afternoon talk show feel.

The episodes so far include interviews with William Shakespeare, St. Peter, Jill Who Came Tumbling Down, Beowulf, and Arachne. While I don't think this comedy will suit everyone, I think there is a distinct audience for this type of sketch comedy. Fans of the classics and mythology will definitely get a kick out of the altered personality of Beowulf and his big time wresting attitude.
Actually, the Beowulf sketch was by far the best of the five episodes I watched.

So, if you get a chance, check out and see what it's all about!