Remake Hell: Scarface

scarface remake
This last week more news regarding the Scarface do over was released.

"This idea is poisoined with cocaine.
I shoot in face."
Scarface  is getting yet another remake. The rags to riches storyline will once again change locations, this time using the the city of Los Angeles as its setting. It's a move that will differentiate this film with its 1932 and 1983 predecessors. The location change most likely means Universal plans on retelling the story with a new lead, rather than reprising the rise and fall of Tony Montana. 

Straight Outta Compton screenwriter Jonathan Herman has been hired to work out a modern script. Herman is also attached to Universal's equally unnecessary remake of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
Michael Bay is connected as a producer on the remake of The Birds

And the world continues to confuse us. Both are needless retreads. 

-Lee Lind