Reviews: Diablo

Clint's son makes the jump to westerns. The Movie Sleuth posts an early review. 

Too bad I'll never be as cool as my dad....
talking to chairs.
I was real excited when this movie came across my desk.  Like, most of you, I absolutely adore Clint Eastwood, especially every damn western he starred in.  

So naturally, when a western starring Clint Eastwood’s son Scott Eastwood fell in my lap, I was more than happy to dig in here. Diablo is a contemporary western film with what you would expect; stunning scenic shots, a gritty texture, and several plot threads racing to a cataclysmic endpoint, except it was missing a gritty texture, and several plot threads racing to a cataclysmic endpoint.  Diablo, missing that lovely sun-drenched dusty, dirty feel, contains really only one thread of story through its 83 minute running time.  I watched it twice just make sure I wasn’t going crazy though.

Digging deeper into the meaning of what was presented here, I realized that, while there are not several autonomous plot threads running together, there are several story threads interwoven into the fabric of the character named Jackson played by Scott Eastwood. With that said, there is a lot that is not explained in the course of this film as Jackson moves on down the trail, and I am hoping this was done on purpose.  It left miles of room for some creative speculation into the complexity of Jackson and who he really was in the context of this story.  

I'm your Huckleberry. 
I began to see that Diablo is not just about one story put in front of us, but a story about good and evil.  Jackson, of course, is at the middle of this story and there are several cues in the film that made me think that Jackson is not a man, but something else.  Jackson weaves between good and evil and so do his rivals.  You really are left wondering who the real bad guys are even at the end of the film. Then there is the character of Ezra played by Walton Goggins.  This is the character in this film that really made me question the simplicity of the plot in the first place.  There are a lot of lines this character says that had my suspicions of who this character really is also.

“Death might be a favor to you.”
“Well, what can I say, I’ve become attached.”

If you watch the film and see these lines put in their proper context, it makes you wonder if there was a darker, deeper story written into the fabric of this simple western film, or I am just way over-thinking this?


-Scott Lambert