News: The X-Files Season 11 Will Be Longer

After a mostly dreadful Season 10, the next go round will feature more episodes. 

As we had hoped (despite the negativity of the last season), Season 11 will most likely get more episodes. When asked about the status of the show, producers Dana Walden and David Madden said they hope for more episodes without the limitations of the Season 10. They're referring to Anderson living in the UK while the show films in the U.S. and some minor budgetary constraints. They're hoping to squeeze in 8-10 chapters for the next season with added hope of getting started sooner than later. 

With many fans (like us) not being too thrilled with the way the initial reprise went, the people behind the show understand the stance many viewers took and may be looking for another way to reinvigorate the show with better story lines and follow through. No matter how how any of us felt about the short season we got, it would be great to see Mulder and Scully again and get some closure for the story they started. 

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