Remake Hell: Max Landis Penning American Werewolf In London Remake

If anyone can pull off a remake script for a classic '80s werewolf flick, it's probably Max Landis. He's currently hard at work writing a new screenplay that will bring his father's An American Werewolf In London back to theaters in a new retrofitted version of the movie. However, the question remains. Do we really need this and will people pay good money to see a do over of a classic that still holds up to this very day. 

Dude, they're remaking us. 

The original movie came out in 1981 and truly pushed the envelope for practical effects. Starring David Naughton and Griffin Dunne, it remains one of the best werewolf movies ever made. Featuring phenomenal makeup effects and visuals by Rick Baker and his team of artists, it'll be hard seeing this turned into a computer generated debacle that won't be able to recapture the glory of the first movie. 

But, Max Landis..........