News: Twin Peaks - The Third Season - DVD/Blu-Ray Announced

“This is the water and this is the well.  Drink full and descend.  The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.”

It has been two weeks since the long awaited season finale of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s Twin Peaks: The Return finally aired and yours truly is still wracking his feeble mind over it.  Moreover, it arrives on the heels of news that very soon now Showtime, having finally unveiled all the episodes in their backlog, will be removing Lynch’s expensive third iteration of his beloved small town American surrealist saga from their streaming services. 

Not to worry though as earlier today, Lynch himself dropped a big announcement on the official Showtime Facebook: “The stars turn and a time presents itself.”, followed by a release date of December 5, 2017 for Blu-Ray and DVD.  Also unveiled is what will be the new cover art which adds the moniker The Third Season, leaving room for fans to dream of a potential fourth season!

While word on the features and disc specifications remain to be seen, this is a major announcement for David Lynch fans and Twin Peaks fans eager to add what is still personally my favorite film/television program of 2017 to their home video shelves.  Very exciting news indeed!  Until then, keep living ‘inside a dream’!

- Andrew Kotwicki