Reboot Hell: Morgan Creek Rebranded - Young Guns, Ace Ventura, Dead Ringers, Nightbreed and Major League Reboots Underway

Decades after its launch, Morgan Creek Productions is relaunching under a new moniker, Morgan Creek Entertainment Group. 

The new company is looking to kickstart many of its brands across multiple platforms as it still has rights to several big name properties. The company initially set its focus on getting The Exorcist name revitalized and launched with the newer TV series. Now, they're moving forward with many of their other branded titles. 

It looks like the company is looking to reboot Young Guns with a potential movie and quite possibly a television show. Other titles they're working on bringing back are Ace Ventura and Major League. Considering there are names and faces that are automatically recognized with these movies, it might be a hard sell, but the company is looking to get the Ace character and many more back into our everyday lives. 

The company is also considering a televised series rendition of Dead Ringers, which Cronenberg is reportedly supportive of. And they are apparently looking to bring Nightbreed back as a television show also, with Clive Barker already giving the thumbs up to. 

It's a strange world we live in where all the films from our youth get a new version.