Cult Cinema: Eden Lake

In a summer loaded with movies to review, it's easy to forget about films you've wanted to see for a while. Well, I dedicated some time yesterday to start getting caught up on movies I've missed.

Eden Lake is one of the most terrifying movies I've seen in recent years. It's a modern horror film that takes brutality and fear to a new level. In the same fashion as Funny Games, Eden Lake never steps away from reality and features some of the most horribly gruesome scenes of recent years. It's not gore that I'm speaking of. It's the absolute disregard for life that the main antagonist shows over and over again.

Eden Lake stars Michael Fassbender, in one of his first cinematic roles, and Kelly Reilly of Sherlock Holmes fame. Fassbender is (of course) on top of his game with this unexpected role in a low budget horror film. However, the stunning Kelly Reilly takes the lead as she outperforms all her counterparts in an often times frustrating role. She's gorgeous even when she's bloodied, muddied, and altogether mentally broken.

Eden Lake is a modern horror film that is shocking and emotionally draining while maintaining a firm grasp on reality. The film features scenes of excessive violence that shook me to the core. After finishing Eden Lake, I felt like my soul had been sucked from my body as everything that happened in this film could actually take place.

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-Review by Chris George