Movie News: Warner Launches Wonder Twins Franchise

After the massive financial success of Batman v Superman, Hollywood is hot to get another property into cinemas. 

Perfect casting. 

It looks like Justice League and the DC cinematic universe are getting another addition to the upcoming lineup. After decades of waiting, rabid fans are getting the strangest of non-comic based comic book movies. Super Friends alumni, The Wonder Twins and their companion Gleek are getting a cinematic treatment by some of the people that brought us the divisive Dawn of Justice. Chris Nolan is in an executive producer role while David S. Goyer is at the scripting helm. 

Numerous directors are in talks to make this awesome franchise appear in theaters sometime in the next 2-3 years.  Supposedly, David Fincher is in talks to direct the launch of the Wonder Twins movie. Other directors that have been mentioned are Darren Aronofsky and possibly Tim Burton. Early talks about the film say that it's going to be a dark, satirical spin on the characters that will take them down a path to heroic redemption with a classic DC villain making his first appearance. No announcement has been made as far as the cast, but rumors are swirling that Matt Damon and Anne Hathaway have been in talks to star as a more world weary, grizzled version of the twins.  Will Ferrell is apparently in talks to voice their monkey. 

No matter how bad this idea might be, we're really excited to see someone become the form of water. 

Form of April Fools Day!!! Gotcha. 

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