News: Ghost In The Shell Trailer Reduxed Edition [Fanedit]

A fan has already created a fanedit version of the Ghost in the Shell mini-trailers and it kicks some butt.

Tim Gonzales created the fanedit trailer. On his YouTube account he said that:
"I thought all the "trailers" for the upcoming live-action Ghost in the Shell film that were released this morning looked really great. That took me by surprise, as I was my expectations were pretty low. Now I'm actually stoked for the film's release.

I wished Paramount put out an actual teaser instead of 5 short clips though. So I took it upon myself to cut something together from the available footage that's in a more digestible format. I also included some bits from the original 1995 film's opening credit sequence; OG fans will surely recognize the cue. Hope you all enjoy!"

Check out the video below.

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