Box Office News: Alien:Covenant Struggles To Stay Afloat

In a strange turn of events, Ridley Scott's latest ode to the Xenomorph is having a rough time at the box office. 

With a massive opening weekend that still struggled to keep up with the numbers Prometheus did in its unveiling, his Covenant is not showing any legs whatsoever. While this is no judgment on the quality of the film, this effort is suffering from an extremely mixed reaction to the movie in general. Some fans are happy with the way this latest entry came out, but others are still not thrilled with the misleading marketing that was heavily geared towards making fans think this was going to be closer to the original Alien. 

Over a holiday weekend which is typically a linchpin in the launch of the summer theatrical season, Covenant had a 71 percent drop off which is nearly unheard of with this type of big budget blockbuster. It only brought in an estimated $10.5 million, bestowing it a current total of $57.3 million domestically. This is a scary proposition considering the marketing costs and the budget that went into Scott's work here. 

Time will tell but Alien:Covenant is definitely not the juggernaut they expected.