Directed by Florian Habicht’s (Pulp: A Film About Life, Death and Supermarkets), this documentary ventures into the family owned scare park Spookers. Located in New Zealand, it is the most successful scare park in the Southern Hemisphere. It will be released exclusively on Shudder on October 26, 2017. Check out the synopsis and trailer below.
"Florian Habicht’s new documentary goes behind the scenes at New Zealand’s largest and most heavily attended scare park. As night falls at Spookers, dozens of seemingly ordinary people become freaks, zombies and chainsaw-wielding clowns. Every weekend come rain, hail or shine, this diverse group of amateur performers unite to terrify punters at the southern hemisphere's largest scream park, situated in a former psychiatric hospital. Director Florian Habicht reveals the transformative and paradoxically lifesaving power of belonging to a community that celebrates fear."
"Florian Habicht’s new documentary goes behind the scenes at New Zealand’s largest and most heavily attended scare park. As night falls at Spookers, dozens of seemingly ordinary people become freaks, zombies and chainsaw-wielding clowns. Every weekend come rain, hail or shine, this diverse group of amateur performers unite to terrify punters at the southern hemisphere's largest scream park, situated in a former psychiatric hospital. Director Florian Habicht reveals the transformative and paradoxically lifesaving power of belonging to a community that celebrates fear."