Adult Swim, Crunchyroll and Alcon Entertainment have announced they are partnering on an anime series titled Blade Runner: Black Lotus. Based on Blade Runner 2049 the series will be 13 episodes and directed by Shinji Aramaki, director of the Appleseed films, as well as Kenji Kamiyama the director of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. With Shinichiro Watanabe, director of Cowboy Bebop, acting as the creative producer it would seem they are swinging for the fences.
All we know so far is the show will be set 17 years before 2049 and 10 years after Black Out and will involve characters we are familiar with. With no release dates yet, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed, but with this group working on it, it’s close to a sure thing. Although a plan was initially announced some time ago, they have finally firmed up their plans and are moving ahead with the project.
We look forward to this further expansion of the Blade Runner world as it will hopefully add more to the ever growing saga.
We look forward to this further expansion of the Blade Runner world as it will hopefully add more to the ever growing saga.