Another Universe: H.P. Lovecraft Trilogy in the Works at SpectreVision from Elijah Wood and Daniel Noah

Today saw the first full length trailer for Richard Stanley's film version of Color Out of Space. Hot on the trail of the preview hitting Youtube, more news broke that will definitely make H.P. Lovecraft fans extremely happy. Elijah Wood and his partner Daniel Noah told that they now have plans to launch a full trilogy based on the works of the author. They are going to attempt to "build out a universe" from existing Lovecraft stories. And apparently they plan to continue working with Richard Stanley on the upcoming projects which are in the early stages of development at this time. 

Noah and Wood said they're currently working on adapting The Dunwich Horror to a screenplay and that they hope to "make at least three of them". Stanley himself had shown interest in directing a Dunwich film way back in 2015 and may finally get the chance now. The pair seem very dedicated to offering authentic versions of the Lovecraft stories.

“Lovecraft is possibly the most adapted horror author ever,” Noah says. “But there’s really never been a totally faithful adaptation of any of his works. I think there are a few that are sort of close. One of them is the German version of Color Out of Space that came out a few years ago. Stuart Gordon’s films are wonderful, but they are more Stuart Gordon than they are Lovecraft. We had been hellbent on finding the Lovecraft adaptation that truly captured cosmic dread without the camp. When we encountered Richard Stanley’s script, I remember texting Elijah after I read the first page and said, ‘This is it. We found it.’ When you see this film, you’ll see that there are all kinds of little references that are allusions to other Lovecraft stories.”