Arrow Video has a wonderful trend of
finding obscure, rare, lesser-seen slasher flicks that have been
out-of-print for decades and resurrecting them on lavish
special-edition blu-rays. Thanks to them, films like The
Mutilator, Blood Rage, The Prey, and
The Slayer have gone
from incredibly scarce and expensive VHS-exclusives to the recipients
of stunning 2k and 4k restorations with loads of extras. Now, the
1988 slasher Edge of the Axe
joins that list; possibly the most obscure slasher they have yet
unearthed, but one that I am very glad we once again have access to.
I'm a lover of '80s horror films, and like to think I have a very
solid knowledge of obscure slashers; three of the four films
mentioned above I had either seen or owned on VHS long before Arrow
put out their blu-rays. I had never even heard of Edge of
the Axe, let alone seen it, so
naturally it was an immediate must-see for me as soon as Arrow
announced the disc. While I can't say it's one of the best
lesser-known '80s slashers that I've come across, it is a very fun
movie with some definite strong points, and one that fans of the
above films should definitely get a kick out of.
The Film:
of the Axe
is a Spanish/American co-production directed by Spanish cult auteur
José Ramón Larraz (Vampyres,
Symptoms, Black Candles),
but filmed mostly in English, set in America (Northern California, to
be precise), and clearly meant to cash in on the post-Friday
the 13th
slasher boom. It comes very late in that boom – despite having been
released in the US halfway through 1989, it feels much more like a
mid-80s slasher – and thus probably didn't have much of a chance to
gain traction upon its home video release, but it's a fun (if
unspectacular) genre entry that fans should get a kick out of. It
tries to interject a bit more of a whodunnit mystery into the usual
nasty slasher proceedings, with spotty but sometimes pretty
suspenseful and entertaining results, making it a bit of something
different, even when it doesn't always work. The premise is simple
but effective: in a small town in Northern California, someone is
secretly a masked killer, but no one knows who. The sheriff and a
handful of college kids and twentysomethings are trying to figure it
out, but can any of them solve the mystery before they meet... THE
EDGE OF THE AXE? It's the kind of slasher that's best enjoyed with a
few genre-loving friends and ideally more than a few drinks, so you
can have fun with the movie's cheesier aspects (particularly the
recurring theme of computers and video games, which are wonderfully
dated now), and speculate about who is the killer, and who is the
next to be killed. During my viewing of this blu-ray, which was in
exactly that kind of situation, the phrase “I think this person is
about to meet... THE EDGE OF THE AXE” was uttered on multiple
occasions, and it certainly added a lot of enjoyment to what is
otherwise just a pretty OK middle-of-the-road slasher.
it really picks up steam and the mystery kicks in, though, Edge
of the Axe get
quite fun. It handles the whodunnit aspect of the mystery unexpectedly well, keeping the viewer in genuine suspense about who the killer
is, and pulling off some solid misdirects. A few moments legitimately
took me by surprise, which I did not expect from a slasher that is
otherwise pretty pedestrian in its production. The extras reveal that
the killer is actually played by several different people of
different sizes and body types, to keep the viewer off-balance about
who they might be, and not give any clues that exist outside the
script. It's effective, even if it seems like a bit of a cheat: the
reveal is honestly pretty surprising, but in no small part because
the actor who plays the killer is obviously not the actor who plays
the character the killer turns out to be. I can't say that the
mystery makes a lot of sense – we're talking about a low-budget
Jason or Michael Meyers knockoff, not an Agatha Christy villain –
but it is a lot of fun in the moment, and sets the movie apart from
the pack. The killer also boasts a very cool, effective look, with a
white blank-faced mask which is very creepy and effective. Derivative
of Michael Meyers? Probably. A creepy signature look that could have
been well-used in a franchise (or a better movie)? Definitely.

gruesome, creepy, and atmospheric slasher scenes and some decent plot
twists make Edge
of the Axe
worth a look, and set it apart a little bit from its contemporaries,
but it is absolutely a mixed bag. The plot and characters are pretty
weak, the first act just floats around without building a ton of
momentum, and not much in the film feels tremendously inspired
outside of some of the actual horror scenes. It's one that slasher
enthusiasts will have a good time with, ideally in a movie-party kind
of setting with like-minded horror fans, but casual viewers probably
don't need to be in too much of a hurry to see. Among the pantheon of
obscure, long-out-of-print '80s slasher flicks resurrected on blu-ray
by Arrow Video, it's strictly in the middle of the pack: I've seen
worse movies get the Arrow treatment, but I've also seen much better.
I preferred it to Blood
for instance, but it's certainly no The
for the film:
restored by Arrow in a new 2k restoration from the original camera
negative, Edge
of the Axe
looks absurdly good on this blu-ray; better than it seems like any
low-budget slasher made for the VHS market could (and maybe even
should) ever look. Detail is incredibly clear, the transfer has a
very prominent grain structure that preserves the 35mm look, and
except for a few small blips, there is no damage to the negative to
speak of. It truly is unbelievable that Arrow can make a film this
obscure and long-lost look this good.
audio doesn't fare quite as well. Arrow did the best they could with
the original mono audio track, the music and sound effects are quite
robust, and it all sounds perfectly clear, but the recording of the
dialogue just wasn't that technically great to begin with. The extras
on the disc reveal that the English actors were mostly recorded
on-location with a boom mic, while the Spanish actors were
English-dubbed in post, and this difference really shows: the dubbed
actors sound too clear for the scenes they are in, and the actors who
were recorded on set sometimes sound a bit muffled or far from the
mic. At the end of the day, you can still hear all of the dialogue,
and the track sounds as good as it possibly could, so it is hardly a
bad audio track, and certainly not flawed due to any fault of
Arrow's. It's just... an OK low-budget audio mix reproduced
faithfully. At least the film looks great though.
for the transfer:

for the extras:
a film, Edge
of the Axe
is recommended mostly just to serious slasher connoisseurs who want
to sample all the obscure, off-the-beaten-path craziness that the
genre has to offer. It's not the best slasher, nor is it the worst;
it's just pretty average with some redeeming qualities. But fans will
have fun with it, especially if watched in the right context (ie,
with friends and drinks), and it's certainly worth a look. For those
who aren't big fans of slasher flicks, though, I'm not sure that
there's as much to recommend. If you're going to watch it, though,
this Arrow blu-ray is definitely the way to go: between the genuinely
stunning transfer and the solid (if not overwhelming) list of extras,
this is not only undoubtedly the definitive release of the film, but
a much better release than anyone could have ever expected a movie
like Edge
of the Axe to
get. It's pretty amazing work that Arrow is doing, restoring
long-lost and under-seen films like this and making them available
again. While it may not be the best film that they've given that
treatment to, slasher fans can be happy that it has been rescued from
its ultra-rare VHS-only fate, and in the coolest way possible.
score for the Arrow disc:
Christopher S. Jordan
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