Doomsday Clock: Damon Lindelof States He Has No Ideas For a Watchmen Season 2

Perhaps the most brilliant thing to hit television this year was HBO's event series, Watchmen which served as a follow up to the classic Alan Moore graphic novel. Although the creator distances himself from any extensions of his work, the short television release was truly groundbreaking and a nearly perfect continuation of the Watchmen saga. While it was divisive to many fans, the show was quite a sleeper hit for the cable giant and has garnered its own cult following. Some were excited to see if it would get a second season and others were totally satisfied with how it ended. Although it could have continued, there have been no announced plans for a second batch of episodes and now Damon Lindelof has officially stated he has no ideas on how we would extend it any further. When speaking with Collider, he had this to say:

"I wish that I had an idea for Watchmen Season 2, and I really wish that there is going to be a Watchmen Season 2; I just – we put it all on the field for Season 1. And every great idea we had, I was like, what if we just put that in Season 1 versus, ‘Oh, let’s stick it away for later.’ And so, could there be a second season of Watchmen? I personally hope that there is but I don’t think it should exist just because people liked the first season.”

Maybe it's for the best that Watchmen is done for now. The story they told was extremely self contained but left the door wide open for the audience to decide for themselves. Either way, it sounds like this thing won't be creatively milked like so many other genre pieces.