Dynamite! Comics: Green Hornet #1 - Reviewed

We all have our preferred genres in fiction, niches that scratch just a certain itch, and when we find stories that fit those parameters, we devour any and all stories that may even get close to the mark. For me, I’m a simple man. I like noir. And I like science fiction. You put those together, and I’m one happy guy, and Green Hornet #1 feels like it was tailor made for me. 

Green Hornet #1 opens strong. A brief recap of the characters backstory that is both sufficient for newcomers and brisk enough for long term readers, and then the immediate hook: Green Hornet facing off against the United States army. With a baby in tow, no less. 

Scott Lobdell is efficient getting the story going in a way that can get new readers up to speed without being tedious for long time readers. The narration captions give us the brief backstory, but trusts the readers to fill in the blanks while the character dialogue establishes the chief personalities of Hornet and Kato, and their dynamic. By page 3 I understood that Hornet is cocky and Kato is loyal and I did not need much more than that in an introductory issue. The story gets to the meat very quickly: there’s a missing woman(naturally) and Hornet and Kato are on the case. No long winded flashbacks, no over expository dialogue. This comic hits the ground running, and it is greatly appreciated. 

Anthony Marques line work and colors also deserve attention, as they contribute to the overall noir feel that the story is aiming for. It’s a lot of simple lines and shadows and the character models mimic those you would find in the Golden Age. Square jaws for the men, soft round faces for the women. It’s an aesthetic I feel is quintessential to a Green Hornet story, making it feel unique from something you would find in Marvel or DC today. 

Green Hornet #1 does everything you need an introductory issue to do. It establishes the central plot, gets the heroes involved and leaves you wanting more. While it’s a little light on characterization the dialogue picks up the slack, setting the tone for a fun, vintage romp 

-Parker Enix-Ross