The coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on cinemas as movies that were meant to be seen in theaters have been quickly re-routed to the major streaming services.
The latest film to be sidelined to Amazon Prime, other streaming services and some drive-in theaters is the latest Bella Thorne vehicle, Infamous. As a kind of modernized take on the Bonnie and Clyde crime spree, the film takes violence for granted and ups the disrespect for human lives to the next level. Trying to cash in on some of the same themes that made Spring Breakers such a perfect representation of modern, self serving youth with a taste for instant gratification, this Infamous tale falters due to terrible support acting and a story that's built upon a foundation of massive plot holes you could drive a convertible through. For some reason, just the base premise of a thieving couple that posts all their robberies to Instagram is simply put, just plain dumb.
Thorne has consistently pushed the envelope of sexuality and exploitation in the characters she's played. From sniveling teenage brats to gun wielding thieves to bubble popping cheerleaders, she's been steadily carving out her very own niche that seems to suit her skillset perfectly. Although there seems to be a consistent tone to the roles her management helps her pick, Bella seems to be in full control at all times. She knows what she's picking and she knows exactly why she's picking them. In the social media era where everyone is way too connected, Bella Thorne takes charge in every character she chooses. She's a picture perfect specimen of youthful and powerful feminism on screen and it works to her advantage. Despite the writing flaws and all the issues taken with Infamous, Thorne is empowered in her role to say the least. She is the central focus and eyes will be locked on her at all times.
Infamous almost seems below her level of talent. There's something amateurish about the writing that's forced and way too obvious. The movie takes the Bonnie and Clyde theme and turns it into some straight laced crime spree that doesn't ever look at the inner workings of her relationship with her partner in crime. They're just thrown into a situation and it devolves from there. With no thought of repercussions for their crimes and literally not an ounce of care that the world is watching, they just go about their days ripping off drug dispensaries and 'accidentally' killing who ever might get in their way.
Going in with out any idea about this movie, I expected to be entertained. I was. Mildly. There's not a lot of fat to chew on with Infamous. It's short. It's silly. And Bella completely walks all over her male counterparts including Jake Manley, stealing every single scene she's in. If you're looking for some escapism from the Covid doldrums, this one will give you a few thrills, some typical robbery scenes, and a strong female lead that kills it at every turn. It's just too bad that the script never meets her dedication to the role.