Evil, Pure and Simple: Buckaroo Banzai Returns in New Novel From Dark Horse

image courtesy FOX Pictures

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension was definitely a film before its time. Mixing comedy with science fiction and action, it has gone on to long running cult status. For years a sequel was discussed with Kevin Smith aboard a supposed television show at one time. None of that ever came to fruition, but now Buckaroo Banzai is getting an update in the form of a sequel that will be in the prose format. Dark Horse, mainly known for their comic books, will be releasing the book on August 10th 2021. 

The new novel is from the original film's writer and will be called The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League, et al: A Compendium of Evil. The story will see our hero go head to head with the villains teased at the end of the 1984 movie. Here's a synopsis of the book:

Still mourning the losses of his beloved Penny Priddy and his surrogate father Professor Hikita, Buckaroo Banzai must also contend with the constant threat of attack from his immortal nemesis Hanoi Xan, ruthless leader of the World Crime League. To make matters worse, Planet 10 warrior queen John Emdall has sent her Lectroid legions against Earth with a brutal ultimatum. Or is her true target Buckaroo Banzai? As the apocalyptic threats continue to mount, only Buckaroo and his Hong Kong Cavaliers stand in the way of global destruction—or in the words of one of the movie’s iconic lines: “Laugh-a while you can, monkey boy!”