Let's Do The Beast Wars Again! Hasbro Transformers Re-Issues Announced

images courtesy Hasbro

The recent line of War For Cybertron Kingdom has been hitting shelves and disappearing just as fast, with the line split between new versions of classic Generation 1 characters as well as some of the Beast Wars first season cast.

Hasbro was quick to follow up on this trend by announcing Walmart exclusive reissues from the '90s Transformers Beast Wars. This wave will have Ultra class Megatron and Optimus Primal from what looks to be their original molds and very close to the colors and paint application. The same goes for Deluxe class Cheetor and Basic class Rattrap, even going so far as to have an image of Rattrap in the original rocky bubble card with Kenner logo at the bottom. The original Megatron and Cheetor had water-squirting weapons and they all appear to be intact, though no word yet on whether or not that functionality is still there. Personally, I still have all my originals and they've stood the test of time as none of these figures have gold or translucent plastic.

This is a part of the Walmart Virtual Con Spring 2021, a virtual event involving other collectible toy lines up for pre-order during this time, including more Transformers, Funko Pops, Star Wars, and Ghostbusters. The Transformers: Vintage Beast Wars figures go up for preorder on March 15, 2021, at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT. and all four figures should release in early August. Megatron and Primal retail at $39.99, while Cheetor and Rattrap for $19.99.