Gods Among Us: DC Injustice Animated Movie Announced

image courtesy DC Comics
DC is currently in the process of releasing a two part animated movie based on The Long Halloween. And their next feature animation project will be a version of Injustice. The news was just announced today that they're currently developing the project. A teaser will be released along with part one of The Long Halloween on DVD and Blu-Ray. While there is no specified release date at this time, it's estimated that this will be the next feature in their long line of animated films. DC and WB have definitely stuttered in their development of their cinematic universe but have almost continually done great work with these direct to video feature length animated works. 

They haven't announced what the source material is quite yet but it's estimated that it will be based on the story from the video game and could be turned into another two part saga since original game also had a sequel. The first game saw the Justice League attempting to overthrow a rogue Superman as he became a world dictator. 

We'll update as we hear anything else about this project.