The Strongest! Victory Saber Arrives as HasLab's Latest Crowdfunding Venture

All images courtesy Hasbro

Several successful HasLab campaigns have proceeded this latest crowdfunding attempt and with this being the second in the Transformers Generations line, it makes for an interesting trajectory. Going with the most recognizable and popular character from the Japanese cartoon series, Victory Saber is both a deep cut and an obvious choice. 

Comprising of two separate figures, Star Saber and Victory Leo, their combined mode is a tradition for Autobot leaders in Japanese media. In fact, Victory Leo is the reconstructed Ginrai from ‘Super-God Masterforce’ after his fatal injuries in the Victory series. There’s a lot of history with these characters, as well as Star Saber’s stand-alone depiction in IDW’s previous Generation One continuity. The one and only time these figures made it to shelves was in Japan in 1989 and more recently with Star Saber getting a Masterpiece figure in 2015.

From prototype images shown on the Haslab site as well as in-person at the recent Fan Expo Boston, Star Saber’s jet mode looks to be Deluxe size shown next to a Punch/Counterpunch figure. His Brainmaster ‘Brain of Courage’ form will be about 1-inch tall and capable of sitting in the jet mode cockpit. With that in mind, the total combined form of Victory Saber should be a bit taller than a Commander Class figure like the recent Jetfire. With a more cartoon accurate design this also looks to incorporate all the gimmicks and features of the originals as well as better articulation.

The pre-orders are open until October 10, 2021 with a price tag of $179.99 USD. Once the goal of 11,000 backers is achieved, production will begin with the first stretch goal of the V-Lock Cannon and blast effects parts unlocked at 14,000 backers. The two remaining stretch goals have yet to be announced. As of writing this, the backer total is near 6,000 with 33 days left so it will be interesting to see if the stretch goals happen.