Nothin' Can Call It Off: Paramount Developing Pumpkinhead Remake


Let's face it. The original Pumpkinhead is a vastly underrated horror flick. It mixed the '80s vengeance flick perfectly with horror, coming at a time when folks were all about hyper violence and special effects. 

 Relying heavily on amazing creature effects and visuals from director Stan Winston, the film is a real representation of a long lost era in the genre. Centered on a very simplistic plot and story, Lance Henriksen did a great job with the limited material and the film became a classic of a time passed. Now though, it seems that Paramount is getting ready to bring the long dormant Pumpkinhead back to life again as they're readying a remake of the creature feature. 

According to our friends at Bloody Disgusting, a script has already been completed for the remake and they're now moving in to the next phases of getting this thing done. Early reports are saying that we can expect to hear of a directorial choice in the next few weeks as they ramp up financing and other aspects for the movie. 

There were some sequels to the original 1988 classic but none lived up to the original story and film. The subsequent movies were Blood Wings, Ashes to Ashes, and Blood Feud. Now, Paramount looks to start the entire franchise over with a full remake that is said to tell the Ed Harley story over again. Whether or not they'll succeed remains to be seen. But if they can find a way to feature mostly practical effects, they might be on to something.