Stay Focused On Your Dream: Robert Rodriguez Says Alita: Battle Angel Sequel Still Possible


Despite a middling box office draw, Robert Rodriguez has hopes that Alita:Battle Angel may still see some type of sequel. The film which was released in 2019 was a live action version of the classic Manga about a female cyborg in the future. While the film wasn't a major financial success, it did feature some amazing visual effects and did fairly well with critics. When speaking with THR while doing press for his work on The Book of Boba Fett on Disney+, the director commented:

"Jim and I talked about it recently. And we're still very interested. I told him, 'Let me deliver Boba and then let's figure out a pitch'."

Initially, James Cameron was set to make Alita in to a live action film series but his attention was fully turned to his Avatar sequels. Eventually, Robert Rodriguez took up the project. The first film did gross over $400 million worldwide but didn't do the numbers that Fox had hoped for. 

Now that Disney owns 20th Century Fox, Rodriguez had commented last year that he hoped that the filmed sequel could find a home on Disney+. For now, we'll just hold out hope.