The Book of Boba Fett: S01 E01 - Stranger in a Strange Land - Reviewed

Images courtesy Disney

Star Wars fans are united behind one thing. Disney + and their handling of the televised aspects of the franchise. Last night saw the premiere of their first episode of The Book of Boba Fett to nearly universal praise.  

This latest television series is a spin-off of the highly popular Mandalorian and will follow the galaxy's most famous bounty hunter as he takes over Jabba's seat on the throne at his palace on Tatooine. Through a lens coated in nostalgia, the first episode hit right where it needed to and didn't ever let up for its extremely short run time of only 38 minutes. The action was just enough to keep things interesting and the story was tight knit, even if it lacked a lot of dialogue.

Once again, we're dropped in the middle of the desert planet and given a bit of back story that follows how Boba escaped the dreaded Sarlacc Pit years ago. For loyal fans of the series this was a time capsule that took us back to 1983 with callbacks and an added bit of back story that we've never experienced or seen before, other than in the extended universe and comic books. The way the material was handled was extremely tasteful and instead of just cashing in on our sense of the past, Robert Rodriguez directs an episode that furthers the mythology while not becoming too repetitious. 

Some of the scenes definitely felt rushed and weren't given enough time to breathe or extrapolate. For instance, the scene in the Sarlacc was cool to see but it was over too fast and didn't give enough detail of his escape or how long he may have been stuck digesting in the beast's gut. However, the expansion of Fett's survival instincts was fun to watch. Getting to see his set of skills on full display was an interesting detail added to the mix. While none of it seemed quite as intriguing as The Mandalorian, we may just need to give it some time to grow. If this crew of directors and writers know anything, it's how to sink their hooks in and get us addicted. 

Getting to see so much connectivity between the movies and television series is always fun for fans of the galaxy far, far away. If anything can be said, it seems like Filoni and team understand how to tell stories that fit into the canon without ever walking over existing story lines or characters. Hopefully, Boba Fett will continue to follow suit. This wasn't the best episode but definitely leaves room for greater things to come.