Return to Witch Mountain: Disney + Series Announced, Bryce Dallas Howard To Star

Image courtesy Universal Pictures

Disney+ is moving ahead with another reboot of their Witch Mountain franchise. The original movie, Escape to Witch Mountain was released in 1975 and featured a story about to otherworldly children that were racing against time to get back to Witch Mountain. It received a sequel Return to Witch Mountain in 1978 and another, Beyond Witch Mountain in 1982. 

It was eventually rebooted in 2009 as Race to Witch Mountain with Dwayne The Rock Johnson in a leading role. Now, the Mouse House looks to revitalize the brand with another updated take on the science fiction action adventure about kids with special abilities. It’s already been approved for a pilot that will stream on their Disney+ service with no official release date announced quite yet.

Hollywood player Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World) has signed on to star in the leading role with Isabella Gravitt and Levi Miller playing the kids with abilities. From early word, it sounds like it will be a re-imagining of the original Witch Mountain story with a much needed modern update. 

We'll obviously update as we hear more!