Dawn of the Jedi: James Mangold Reveals Details On His Star Wars Movie

Image courtesy of Lucasfilm/Disney

With his Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny premiering in theaters domestically tonight, James Mangold has revealed some details about his upcoming Star Wars movie. After several other titles were cancelled, Disney and Lucasfilm are once again moving forward with several live action films including one from Mangold himself. His Dawn of the Jedi movie will take place 25,000 years before the Skywalker timeline and is said to be heavily inspired or influenced by The Ten Commandments. It's being touted as a religious epic that will fully explore the beginnings of the Jedi and the founding of their order.

In a recent interview with the Happy, Sad Confused podcast, Mangold says that concepts such as midichlorians are long before the advent of his upcoming film:

"I don't want to make any guarantees one way or the other but it will be before Jedi. Meaning, you might bee experiencing something that might become Jedi. Despite the fact other people make movies other ways, I don't tend to think people brand themselves before they've actually found themselves...I tend to think that branding tends to happen later."

His comments are suggesting that the characters in the film will be laying the foundation for what's to come of the Jedi later on. The movie will expand on the origins and what led to the formation of the Jedi and the Jedi Order. Sounds like interesting stuff that may finally expand on areas we haven't seen before.