They're Here.....Again: Poltergeist Series in Early Development from Amazon and MGM

Image courtesy of MGM

They're here....again. It looks like the 1982 Tobe Hooper suburban haunting film Poltergeist is coming back in a new series made for television. While little is known at this point, Variety reported earlier today that a new series based on the original film is being readied and is in the early stages of development. No writers have been attached to the project yet but it will be produced by MGM and Amazon. 

The original film produced by Steven Spielberg was a massive hit and spawned several sequels and a television show called Poltergeist: The Legacy which ran for four seasons on Showtime. That series had little to do with the movies and burned out without much notice. Of course there was the dreadful 2015 remake as well. But we won't talk about that. 

Now, forty years later, MGM looks to revitalize the franchise with a brand new show that will "be set within the world of the film". The original Poltergeist series was deemed to be cursed following the early death of star Heather O'Rourke and the murder of co-star Dominique Dunne. 

The show will be produced by Amblin Entertainment, Spielberg's production house.