Editorial: Why A New Ghostbusters Can't Work on October 08, 2014 2 3 bill murray busters comedy commentary editorial ending ghost ghostbusters melissa mccarthy movie movies new reboot remake sigourney weaver spoiler spoilers +
Gaming: Star Wars Battle Pod on October 08, 2014 arcade battle battle pod ending endor games gaming hoth millenium falcon pilot pod rebel star star wars tattooine tie fighter video wars xwing yavin +
31 Days of Hell: Alien on October 08, 2014 35th alien anniversary edition ending h.r. geiger horror science fiction movie movies review reviewed reviews ridley scott ripley sigourney weaver spoiler spoilers +
Review: The Flash Pilot on October 08, 2014 book comic cw dc ending episode first flash pilot review reviewed reviews series show shows spoilers televsion the flash tv +