DC Cinematic News: James Gunn To Direct Suicide Squad Sequel on January 30, 2019 breaking news comic book movies dc dc movies dceu guardians of the galaxy james gunn movie news suicide squad suicide squad 2 the movie sleuth tms +
Breaking Bat News: Affleck Out of Reeves' The Batman on January 30, 2019 batman Batman News ben affleck breaking bat news casting news comic book movies comic books dc dceu gotham city matt reeves the batman the movie sleuth tms +
Cinematic Releases: Stan & Ollie (2018) - Reviewed on January 30, 2019 2018 biopic comedy danny huston john c. reilly jon s. baird laurel and hardy no spoilers review stan & ollie steve coogan +
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New Sci-Fi Releases: Fighting the Sky (2018) - Reviewed on January 30, 2019 aliens conrad faraj Derek Miranda fighting the sky Indie new sci-fi releases science fiction spoiler free the movie sleuth +
Comics: Boom! Studio's Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 on January 30, 2019 Boom! Studios buffy the vampire slayer Jordie Bellaire joss whedon rachel rutherford +