Oscar Shuffle: Academy (Temporarily) Changes Eligibility Rules During Pandemic on April 28, 2020 dark rites news oscars pandemic rules sound editing sound mixing the academy awards the movie sleuth +
Science Fiction News: Karen Gillan, Aaron Paul, and Jesse Eisenberg Join Genre Bending Dual on April 28, 2020 aaron paul breaking news casting news dual jesse eisenberg Karen gillan news riley stearns sci fi sci-fi science fiction the movie sleuth tms +
Calling All Creeps: Goosebumps to Get New Live Action Series on April 28, 2020 goosebumps news r.l. stine sony pictures television tv +
Love and Thunder: Chris Hemsworth Confirms Thor 4 Is On Hold on April 28, 2020 breaking news chris hemsworth comic book movies love and thunder marvel cinematic universe movie news natalie portman news taika waititi the movie sleuth thor tms +