Cinematic Releases: Midway (2019) - Reviewed on November 07, 2019 cg chris george cinematic releases ed skrein midway remakes review reviewed reviews roland emmerich the movie sleuth world war 2 world war II +
Paranormal News: Blumhouse and Paramount Releasing New Paranormal Activity in 2021 on November 07, 2019 blumhouse horror horror news movie news news paramount paranormal activity sequels the movie sleuth tms +
More Stranger Things: Season 3 Blooper Reel Released on November 07, 2019 blooper reel bloopers horror netflix science fiction stranger things stranger things day the movie sleuth tms videos will byers +
Coming Soon: Cutter Bill (2019) - Brett Bentman's Texas Neo-Noir on November 07, 2019 b22 films brett bentman cutter bill dustin rhodes neo-noir texas noir +