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HBO MAX "Green Lights" Green Lantern and Strange Adventures Series on October 29, 2019 dc comic books DC Streaming Green Lantern greg berlanti HBO hbo max +
Galactic News: Lawrence Kasdan Says The Studio 'Blew it' With Solo, Won't Be Returning on October 29, 2019 a star wars story galactic news han solo kasdan lawrence kasdan movie news news solo star wars star wars news the movie sleuth tms +
Streaming From Hell: Rob Zombie's Latest to Hit Shudder Exclusively on October 29, 2019 3 from hell Firefly family horror horror movies horror news movie news news rob zombie shudder sid haig streaming the devil's rejects zombie +
Star Wars News: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Quit Planned Trilogy on October 29, 2019 benioff and weiss David Benioff game of thrones star wars trilogy +